Travel Blog


Lämpövoimakerho (LVK) has once again planned a traditional overseas excursion. This year will be the 38th time that a group of energy engineering students have gone abroad to learn how businesses in energy industry work in a foreign country. On August 20th our trip to the east coast of China will finally begin after many months of planning.

Beijing will be our first stop for five days (21.-26.8.). After that we will stay overnight (26.-27.8.) in Jinan and then continue travelling to Qingdao (27.-29.8.). The rest of our trip (29.8.-4.9.) we will spend in Shanghai before flying back home. A day trip from Shanghai by train to Suzhou, the “Venice of the East”, is on our agenda as well.

The main purpose of this overseas excursion is to explore and get to know as many projects on energy and environmental field in China as we can manage. As energy engineering students, we are especially interested in all kinds of energy systems and how China will implement its energy transition plan in the future to drive the transformation of the energy sector to be more sustainable and carbon neutral. Moreover, our aim is to look for answers how Finnish know-how could be a bigger part of China’s success as there is a demand for employees who understands the importance of multicultural aspects in business.

However, we also take time to have fun with all the must do activities! For us these include going to the Great Wall, experiencing Chinese acrobatic show, hiking up the Laoshan Mountain and watching the skyline of Shanghai at night while on a river cruise. And of course we will not forget to taste the famous Peking duck!

We hope you enjoy reading our travel blog! More realtime updates you can find from our Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Compensating Our CO2 Emissions

Finally the day is here – we are off to Beijing and it feels so unreal! Every one of us has made a huge effort during this spring and summer to make this trip come true. We are all really excited to experience this two-week-excursion abroad. It is going to be quite an adventure for sure!

The trip has started well; everyone made it to the airport and no one forgot his/her passport or anything vital home. It is going to be a seven-and-half-hour-flight after which we will arrive to Beijing on early Wednesday morning. Therefore, getting some sleep while on the plane is very much wanted in order to survive through the next day.

Moreover, as being young responsible adults and knowing the environmental issues related to travelling by an airplane, we wanted to voluntarily compensate our CO2 emissions from flying between continents. According to a calculator on Finnair’s webpage, the total amount of emissions that 16 people generate during flights from Helsinki to Beijing and from Shanghai to Helsinki equals to 11.5 metric tons of carbon dioxide. With a support of WSP Finland, 11.5 metric tons of CO2 emissions were mitigated by using CO2Esto service where emissions were bought out from the EU Emission Trading System. 

Thank you WSP Finland for contributing to this important matter to us!

Here’s where you can find our travel blogs from each of the cities:


Day 1     Day 2     Day 3     Day 4     Day 5



Day 1     Day 2


Day 1     Day 2     Day 3     Day 4     Day 5     Day 6
